Coming of Age Existential Crisis

1928068571The world is falling apart.

You can see evidence of trouble in the world around you as you prepare to step out on your own. Climate change threatens to destroy lives with rising ocean levels, and increasingly violent weather, wildfires, and drought occur regularly. A global pandemic with long-lasting health implications continues to linger.

Mass shootings occur daily and are so familiar they go unreported. Now, you are well-trained to survive a school shooter. Going to the movies, out shopping, to parades, concerts, or festivals comes with the risk of “What if someone with a gun shows up?”

Wealth, property, and retirement are out of reach, smothered by wealth inequality, inflation, unaffordable housing, and crippling student loans. The prospect of working for the entirety of life to languish in the wealthiest society on earth is devoid of inspiration or hope.

Rising anti-democratic forces threaten civil peace, liberty, and personal rights. The rumbling threat of civil war echoes too close for comfort. Societal tension continues to build as the storm prepares to break loose.

Managing everything seems overwhelming.

With everything seemingly going wrong, how does one manage it all? What can one person do?

You are overwhelmed and wonder, “Where do I even start?”

It’s easy to become apathetic about all the doom and gloom in the world. The hopelessness makes you think, “What’s even the point of doing anything?”

Coming of age amid all the bad news makes you angry and confused. Being born into this wasn’t part of the deal.

1033847068Therapy helps find meaning in the responsibility of becoming Yourself.

We underestimate one well-individuated person’s impact on the world. We can give in to hopelessness and wait around passively accepting fate. Or we can be part of the solution to make things better.

It is possible to take action and move into a state of engagement. The complaints are real and justified; this journey is hard. Navigating the shifting and dangerous terrain is hazardous. It’s all true; you can find your footing and voice and make headway in the world.

Find your power by developing insight into your true beliefs, strengthening your integrity and convictions, and finding ways to manifest your authentic self into action. Taking action sends ripples through your world, creating meaningful and beneficial changes.

For help on this journey, call now.